Arabic Pulpy Grape Juice

    "Arabic Pulpy Grape Juice"  is a refreshing drink made from black seedless grapes,  and is  quite popular  in the Middle East. It is a perfect drink for summers to beat the scorching heat. Good quality black seedless grapes are blanched, the pulp and skin are separated and the juice is boiled with sugar. The pulp and boiled grape juice are chilled separately in a refrigerator and  mixed together at the time of serving. I tasted it for the first time about 5 year ago when my husband took me to a popular bakery in Kerala and really loved the taste and texture of the  juice. It was really a thirst quencher for the summer heat. I  thought there must be some special technique they used to create this juice and really wanted to try it. Tried it  few years back for the first time  but it didn't come out well....😞 Now  that summer is at its peak here in our place now  and everyday  we are including some juice or smoothies in our daily menu. So one day , when I was preparing a Mediterranean meal , the thought of this pulpy juice came to my mind when I saw some fresh grapes in my kitchen. I  decided to try it again with smaller quantity of  grapes and this time, it came out perfect. I have mentioned in detail  about the things to take care while preparing this juice  and added a small snippet video for easy reference for those who  want to make it. Hope you all will like it.....!!!😊

  1. Black Seedless Grapes - 300 gm
  2. Water - 3 cup 
  3. Sugar -1/4 cup -1/2 cup (depending on sweetness of grapes)
  4. Lemon juice - 1 tsp (optional)

  1. Clean and wash the grapes well.(I generally soak them in water for 1- 2 hrs and wash  well and drain them to get rid of any pesticides).
  2. Transfer the grapes to a sauce pan and add 3 cups of water and boil them.
  3. After 8 - 10 minutes you can see some cracks forming on the skin of the grapes.
  4. At this point switch off the flame and transfer the grapes alone into a bowl of ice cold water leaving the remaining liquid in the sauce pan itself.
  5. Allow the grapes to cool for 5 minutes and gently peel off the skin and transfer to another bowl.
  6. Keep the pulp in a separate bowl and refrigerate them.
  7. Now add the peeled off skin back to the boiled grape water in the sauce pan.
  8. Add sugar and again boil for 5 minutes.
  9. Switch off the flame and allow to cool.
  10. Once it reach room temperature,  add 1 tsp lemon juice (optional).
  11. Strain the liquid and transfer to a glass bottle and chill in a refrigerator.
  12. Just before serving , add the pulp to this water and give a stir.
  13. Enjoy the chilled .

  • Wash the grapes really well before boiling them.
  • The amount of sugar added depends on the sweetness of the grapes and your personal choice of sweetness.
  • Use good quality seedless grapes.
  • Adding lemon juice at last is optional, but it balances the taste.


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