Bangalore Kathirikai Mezhukkupuratti (Chayote Squash Stir Fry )

  • Chayote  - 1
  • Onion - 1/2 (chopped)
  • Green Chilli - 2
  • Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - To taste
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Mustrad seeds - 1tsp
  • Split urad dal - 1tsp
  • Dried Red chilli  -1
  • Curry leaves - few

  1. De - seed and peel chayote and chop into small square shaped pieces.
  2. Cook it with salt, water,turmeric powder and green chilli until done. 
  3. Heat another pan. Add oil and splutter mustard seeds,split urad dal , red chilli and curry leaves.
  4. Add chopped onions and saute till it beconmes light brown
  5. Now add cooked chayote and saute for 2 minutes.
  6. Serve hot with rice.


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